Third time is a charm. Record reviews!

Records are streamed one time over the fabulous Internets of Syrinx. Reviews are a first impression and could possibly change with multiple listens but really who has time for that anymore? Because of overwhelming complaints (ok it was just one person) my review rating system is being simplified. There will no longer be review ratings below zero. I’m told that a negative rating is as easy to understand as the reason that Snookie is a beloved superstar. So with this review I will be using a typical zero to five scale. Or maybe a not-so-typical zero to five scale. 0 soft puppy noses – The record is awful just like a life without soft puppy noses. 1 soft puppy nose – Better than nothing but probably not worth your time and energy. 2 soft puppy noses – Now we are talking. Two give you more of a reason to play. 3 soft puppy noses – The record is worth your time but probably won’t knock your socks off. 4 soft puppy noses – This is getting so good that it might even be too much of...