
Showing posts from March, 2011

Buffalo Tom, Ringo Deathstarr, Beady Eye, Beth Ditto, Empress Hotel

Record reviews (you know the drill): 1 Sunday brunch Mimosa – Not good enough. 2 Sunday brunch Mimosas – Okay, but try again next weekend. 3 Sunday brunch Mimosas – Better than two but why stop there? 4 Sunday brunch Mimosas – Party time! All doors will open to you but are you the drunkest? 5 Sunday brunch Mimosas – Breakfast and lunch and drinking all in one??? Awesome!!! Buffalo Tom “Skins” 4 Sunday brunch Mimosas. Party like it’s 1990 whatever. What year is this? 1994? It’s actually really nice to see Buffalo Tom back again. They were never a powerhouse band even at their high point but they always featured fairly strong songwriting skills. This record starts out very promising with “Arise, Watch”, a catchy pop song that made me smile when I first heard it. “Don’t Forget Me” is a slower country-ish ballad that features vocals from Tanya Donnelly. “Guilty Girls” rocks like it’s right off of their excellent album “Big Red Letter Day”. Buffalo Tom is back and I am very than...

Charlie Sheen does not approve of these record reviews!

Records were streamed once from and then rated on this ridiculous and arbitrary scale. 1 Charlie Sheen – Not good. 2 Charlie Sheens – Okay, but try again next weekend. 3 Charlie Sheens – Better than two but can you prove you aren’t just Emilio Estevez’s brother? 4 Charlie Sheens – Party time! All doors will open to you but are you the greatest? 5 Charlie Sheens – YES! The Greatest! Put them all in your Martian Rockstar brain and punch the World in the face! Ron Sexsmith “Long Player Late Bloomer” 2.5 Charlie Sheens. Grandpa just said you are his favorite! If James Taylor and Morrissey had a baby that baby would be Ron Sexsmith. This record gives new life to the smooth music movement. So what in the world is Bob Rock (Metallica, Motley Crue) doing producing this record? There is a lot of piano, acoustic guitar, and quiet vocals. Some songs are okay. Nothing really great though. Nice Sunday afternoon music. Highlight: “Believe It When I See It”. Chamberlin “Bit...