Buffalo Tom, Ringo Deathstarr, Beady Eye, Beth Ditto, Empress Hotel

Record reviews (you know the drill): 1 Sunday brunch Mimosa – Not good enough. 2 Sunday brunch Mimosas – Okay, but try again next weekend. 3 Sunday brunch Mimosas – Better than two but why stop there? 4 Sunday brunch Mimosas – Party time! All doors will open to you but are you the drunkest? 5 Sunday brunch Mimosas – Breakfast and lunch and drinking all in one??? Awesome!!! Buffalo Tom “Skins” 4 Sunday brunch Mimosas. Party like it’s 1990 whatever. What year is this? 1994? It’s actually really nice to see Buffalo Tom back again. They were never a powerhouse band even at their high point but they always featured fairly strong songwriting skills. This record starts out very promising with “Arise, Watch”, a catchy pop song that made me smile when I first heard it. “Don’t Forget Me” is a slower country-ish ballad that features vocals from Tanya Donnelly. “Guilty Girls” rocks like it’s right off of their excellent album “Big Red Letter Day”. Buffalo Tom is back and I am very than...