Back to the record reviews!

Record reviews! I stream each record online! I listen to each record one time through while I’m working my exciting office job! I write my observations in review form!! I publish online in my blog!!! I use lots of exclamation points!!!! 1 ! – Not enough. 2 !! – Okay, but probably not worth your money. 3 !!! – Better than two but why stop there? 4 !!!! – Party time! All doors will open to you but are you the exclamation pointiest? 5 !!!!! – WHA WHAT??? Awesome!!!!! The Cars “Move Like This” 1 !. Party like it’s 1986…whatever. The Cars return with their first record since 1987! Wait let me rephrase that: The Cars return with their worst record since 1987! Okay that’s better. Hey! Don’t look at me like that! What??? Are you a Cars fan??? Actually I’ve always liked some of their songs but I wouldn’t consider myself a fan. They have always had too many clunkers (HA!) on each album. And “Move Like This” definitely has it’s share of clunkers! They still sound like The Cars but wh...