Summertime Rolls-Music reviews
Um yeah. I listen to the record from beginning to end one time. Next I write down my initial impressions of the record. Lastly I post my reviews on the mysterious Internets and wait for you to tell me how clueless I am. Let's commence. 1 solo homerun (barely worth the effort anymore) 2 run homerun (good. can make a difference but probably won't.) 3 run homerun (now we are talking. You might win with this one.) 4 Grandslam (You are the man! Or woman. But probably man.) 5 Grandslam walk-off homerun (You won the game! Yes you! Multi-million dollar contract is on it's way!) Givers "In Light" 2 run homerun. Poppy and fun but not great. Straight from the bio: Lafayette, Louisiana based indie-poppers' debut record combines a perfect mix of shimmering pop and summer-strong songs. Okay so it's shimmery and poppy. Maybe even a little summery. But as I ask with a lot of the records I review, "Where's the h...