You can't KILL me (or my record reviews!)

I love music. I like to write. I write about music. I also dance about architecture. 1 Acroterion promenade - Not too exciting. 2 Acroterion promenades - Ok but you've done this before. 3 Acroterion promenades - Good. Might be worth another look. 4 Acroterion promenades - Exciting! Fresh! But not the best. 5 Acroterion promenades - This is the one you were waiting all your life for! Dan Andriano in the Emergency Room "Hurricane Season" 1.5 Acroterion promenades. Ehhh. Dan Andriano is the bass player in Alkaline Trio. His debut solo record is full of acoustic rockers. Problem is he is not a great guitar player or songwriter. Everything on this release just says, "Meh." Sorry but I wish I had better news. The patient just didn't make it. Highlights: The cover is kinda cool. Scattered Trees "Sympathy" 1.4 Acroterion promenades. Watered down. Do you like indie bands? Do you lik...