
Showing posts from October, 2011

Hysterical Ashes & Fire

I listen to a new record streaming over the Internets.  I write my initial reaction.  I give it a meaningless rating from a silly rating scale.  I write I a lot of times. 1 Superbowl victory - "Eh." 2 Superbowl victories - "Good but not great." 3 Superbowl victories - "Now you have something worth talking about." 4 Superbowl victories - "You are the MAN!  I spell M!" 5 Superbowl victories - "You are not even human!  You are a god!" Clap Your Hands Say Yeah "Hysterical" 2 Superbowl victories.  Sprawling but same-y. The blog darlings return with their first album in four years.  They are called indie rock.  Noisy pop.  It's all a little too 80's for my taste.  The record is way too long.  Sprawling but still it manages to have a same-yness throughout that makes it simply boring.  Highlights: None to speak of after one listen. Ryan Adams "Ashes and Fire" 1 Superbowl victory. No Doze please! This ...