King Tuff, Rhett Miller, and Jaill walk into a bar...

Rock and Roll ain't noise least not when you have your headphones on. Random record review ratings: 1 Grape Ape - Not good. Not good at all. 2 Grape Apes - Meh. 3 Grape Apes - Good. But average good. 4 Grape Apes - Cool. Rock worth your time and moola! 5 Grape Apes - A brand new masterpiece worth your time and your exclamation points!!! King Tuff "King Tuff" 4 Grape Apes. Tuff stuff! I knew nothing of this band. I heard some mentions on a podcast. Only heard the name and had no idea what the music is like. So this is truly first reaction: Sweet! I'm a sucker for raw rock riffs with wimpy indie boy vocals. Reminds me of growing up on Superchunk. The songs aren't knocking me over but they are fun. Just enough roll with the rock. I will be digging into this band more very soon. Highlights: "Bad Thing" and "Anthem". Rhett Miller "The Dreamer"3 Grape Apes. Genuine. Countryi...