Mudhoney, Rogue Wave, and Oblivians. Which one wins the Rock N Roll spit cup?

I listen to a record one time. I give it a rating. I write a short first impression review. Nothing earth shattering. 1 personalized guitar pick - lame 2 personalized guitar picks - below average 3 personalized guitar picks - pretty okay 4 personalized guitar picks - good stuff 5 personalized guitar picks - pretty damn perfect Mudhoney "Vanishing Point" 4 personalized guitar picks I missed the Mudhoney boat the first time it came around. I heard random songs but I was never blown away. If "Vanishing Point" came out 20 years ago I would have been one of their biggest fans for a long time. This record is fun! Even if the lyrical topics are a little dark and most of the songs are minor key rockers. I really like this new record. Mudhoney is in prime form and even the screaming sounds great! Highlights: "I Like It Small" and "Chardonnay". Rogue Wave "Nightingale Floors" 3 personalized guitar picks Dear Rogue ...