Calexico, Julien Baker, and They Might Be Giants sitting in a tree.

---Open on a bright and cheery kitchen. Smartly decorated.--- I listen to 3 new records. I give each record a score based on a random rating scale. You pretend you care. 1 Chicago dog - What's the point? 2 Chicago dogs - Maybe 3 Chicago dogs - Now we are getting somewhere! 4 Chicago dogs - Right on! 5 Chicago dogs - Heaven is real! Calexico "The Thread That Keeps Us" 3 Chicago dogs. Pleasant. Calexico is cool. Who doesn't like their brand of acoustic guitar rock lightly seasoned with horns and percussion? This record has some nice songs that really started grabbing at me. Unfortunately it also has some clunkers that made me want to reach for the skip button. I would definitely put this o...