Press me into a record when I die. Just don't give me a bad review!

Gather 'round by little children and let me tell you a tale of the olden days. Back when you had to buy records from only hearing one song on the radio. Maybe you heard someone else talking about the record before you bought it. You kids with your Internets and every song ever created at your fingertips! You don't know what hard work is! 1 Wyld Stallyn - Not cool. Kinda weird. 2 Wyld Stallyns - Okay. But did you pay money for that? Ugh. 3 Wyld Stallyns - This is cool. Might even pay a couple of bucks for this. 4 Wyld Stallyns - All my thumbs are up. I like this. 5 Wyld Stallyns - MOST EXCELLENT! Best Coast "The Only Place" 5 Wyld Stallyns - San Dimas High School football rules!! I'm a sucker for catchy, poppy, strummy, upbeat indie rock and this is about as good as it gets. Yes the first song "The Only Place" is basically a commercial for California it still gets my foot tapping. Even when Best Coast slows it d...