10 Most Annoyingly Overexposed Pop Stars or Songs of 2010...so far.

As you might have guessed from my first blog ever I am not a big fan of the mainstream pop music that is played on Top 40 radio these days. Yet through circumstances beyond my control I am forced to listen to Top 40 radio almost every day. Because of this I hear a lot of these songs repeated over and over and over again. Some I really don’t have a problem with (Justin Bieber should annoy me but for some reason I don’t hate all his songs). If you said that some songs, and the pop stars who sing them, make me want to shoot every radio for a mile around (and myself in the head) then you win the PRIZE! A look at my list of the 10 Most Annoyingly Overexposed Pop Stars or Songs of 2010…so far.

Coming in at #10:

Auto-tune effect on vocals.

For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about auto-tune is an effect that studios use on vocals that give the singer kind of a weird, spacey sound when the pitch is varied. For instance I just heard “Dynomite” by Taio Cruz and auto-tune is all over that vocal. Auto-tune is only supposed to compensate for slight pitch problems but more recently has been used as an effect to make the singer sound “cool”. The song and the effect are both overplayed and the day auto-tune is buried there will be a huge party thrown by a real singer for people who appreciate the art of performing music.

Sneaking in at #9:

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift is one of those singers that a lot of people love to hate. She does not have a strong voice and her singing limitations are painfully evident when she is on stage. Her latest single “Mine” is just starting to get airplay all over the place and surprise! It’s a story of a young woman falling in love! But wait! With the magic the best record company money could buy there is not a single note out of tune! Once Top 40 stations start playing the heck out of this record I imagine Taylor will rocket up my next annoying list.

Crouching down at #8:

The Black Eyed Peas

Even when the Peas were just becoming huge I really didn’t think too much of them. Fergie was easy on the eyes but didn’t really take up that much camera time. Will. i. am. didn’t really impress me that much. And other then knowing that one guy had really long, straight hair I didn’t really know that much about them. Then they blew up. They were everywhere. Fergie was oversinging and then releasing a solo album. Will.i.am. was everywhere with statements about everything. They released one of the stupidest songs of all time called “My Humps”. I think with that song I started really hating them. This year they still play that song “I Got A Feeling” which has turned into some kind of anthem for young people who are getting ready to go out to bars and clubs with the hope that they might hook up. Pretty much every song by the B.E.P.s has me running to the hills with my fingers in my ears….screaming.

Using unnecessary dollar signs at #7:


Her shtick was kinda cute when I first heard her song, “Tik Tok”. I would say she was going for that “pop singer who really doesn’t care to play by the rules but is still cute so you have to forgive her” thing. Well that “thing” gets really old really fast for me. Yes it’s funny to hear my 4 year old daughter sing that she is going to brush her teeth with a bottle of Jack but not so funny to hear it 10 times a day on the radio for weeks. Oh yeah and it’s a good thing there is a $ in your name Ke$ha because that money is going to dry up fast when no one buys your next album.

Fake-smiling all the way to #6:

Selena Gomez

This girl should not be on stage singing the ABCs much less the crap that the World’s greatest songwriters write for her to perform. She got her acting start on the show “Barney and Friends” which should have clued us in on the annoying singing career she would launch years later. I’m not saying she is the worst singer ever…I’m just saying she should stick to Disney channel shows so that I can simply turn the channel. Keep the lousy songs off the airwaves.

Self obsessing to #5:

Train and their song “Hey Soul Sister”

This is a band that I never really cared for but I also never disliked them much either. Then I made the mistake of watching their recent performance on VH-1. It might have been from the show Story Tellers since there was a lot of talking between songs and one of those close, personal, intimate shows with acoustic guitars. Oh Lord does the singer seem full of himself! And their song “Hey Soul Sister” is so bad yet so popular! Any song that name checks Mister Mister should be burned and never spoken of again.

Ear worming along to #4:

That inane “I Want To Be a Billionaire” song:

I am not going to give the artist a second of my time in research so I will say here I don’t know who wrote this horrid P.O.S. or who sings it. I don’t know anything about them and I hope it stays that way forever. However I will say can’t we make this guy a billionaire already and be done with it?

Doing her best David Bowie impersonation at #3:

Lady Gaga

First of all, what is with the name? Can’t she duet with the Goo Goo Dolls just for the fun of it? (Put the names together. Go ahead. I’ll wait here.) Also WTF is up with the Romanian sounding “Bad Romance”? Is Romanian is even a thing? “Alejandro” sounds like she stole it note for note off of an old Madonna record. She posed her way to the top but unless she gets a headlining show in Vegas in a couple of years I see her fading away once the “shock” wears off.

Getting whip cream all over #2:

Katy Perry

Before “California Girls” I wouldn’t have put her on any list at all. Annoying, best, worst, nothing really. I had no opinion. I just wondered if she was Joe Perry’s daughter. But then “California Girls” changed everything. The music bed under the song is really not that bad. Kinda funky actually. But then the video hit Mtv and the song was played every 20 minutes on every Top 40 station in the country proving that too much of a bland thing is a bad thing. I can’t get the whip cream off of my shoes.

Last and definitely least.

Whining her way to #1:

Miley Cirus

I can’t stand her singing voice.
I can’t stand her speaking voice.
I can’t stand her tv show.
I will never watch one of her movies.
I don’t think she has a hit song right now but I don’t care.
She is currently the only person who makes me miss the 80’s…and the 80’s were horrible!
Thanks for playing along at home and if you can think of anyone who should make my end of the year list let me know.


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