1st Record Reviews EVAH!

-10 Chorizos: Supercolossalannoyingpieceofsh!t (Stay far, far away!)

0 Chorizos: Borinzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

+10 Chorizos: Sell your home and all of your stuff and make a pilgrimage to the place that this masterpiece was created! NOW!!

I listened to the following records from beginning to end (for the most part) on Spinner.com at work while I puttered on the computer wishing I was on an island in the Caribbean. Warning: This is a first reaction to the record. You know sometimes it takes a while for a great record to grow on you so don’t kill yourself if you don’t agree with my insightful review!

First up today is:

Meridene “Something Like Blood”  +7 Chorizos! Spicy and gritty at the same time!

Meridene is one of those groups that is full of possibility. They could possibly be a great band. They could possibly release a great album. They could possibly not give a sh!t what I have to say about them. “Something Like Blood” is a very cool record. Indie rock with splashes of pop rock keys making the songs sparkle in all the right places. The title track is a subdued mid-tempo ballad-ish song that steals the show for me. This is one I will give some more listens to and who knows? It could possibly be my favorite release of 2010…Possibly.

Tired Pony “The Place We Ran”  +2 Chorizos. Just this side of sleepy in a not-so-good way.

This is the debut album of the supergroup featuring Snow Patrol’s Gary Lightbody , REM’s Peter Buck, Jacknife Lee and more. Have you ever heard a Snow Patrol song that was kind of slow and droopy and the singer’s voice made you sleepy? Yes?? Welcome to a whole record full of those tunes. Insomniacs rejoice! Your cure is here! Music lovers won’t rejoice near as much. This dreary release is saved by a couple of dim stars. “I Am a Landslide” is a nice slice of Americana pie and “Dead American Writers” wakes up the sleepy sound a bit, but in the day and age of downloading digital singles you can get these two songs without subjecting yourself to the whole snoozefest. That is unless you like that dizzy-effects-of-Nyquil feeling.

Pete Yorn “Pete Yorn”  +4 Chorizos. Just enough to make you full without much of the flavor.

This new album was produced by Pixies frontman Black Francis but really that is only an interesting side note to a pretty tame album by a pretty okay singer/songwriter. “Precious Stone” is an okay single. “Velcro Shoes” has some almost funny lyrics but when delivered by Mr. Serious it doesn’t amuse as well as it should. I guess that’s the story of the whole record. It doesn’t rock hard enough, it holds no surprises, and it sure doesn’t ring catchy enough. It might make good background music if you don’t want to let your party get too out of control. Enjoy. Zzzz

Various Artists – It’s Kind of a Funny Story (Music From the Motion Picture)  +4.52 Chorizos. Not bad but nothing to write blogs about either.

In this iTunes playlist day and age it’s hard to take a movie soundtrack seriously. Song selection for movies used to feel like a big deal. The artist would get excited at the added exposure. The song would fit the feel of the movie or at least scene that it was used for. But listening to this record I couldn’t get past the throwaway feeling that runs throughout. I like Broken Social Scene but “Not At My Best” felt exactly like that. An unreleased song that is not good enough to make their recent record. “The Ills” by Mayor Hawthorne is getting some play on Adult Alternative radio and certainly fits the movie’s theme. However I can’t get over the feeling that this is not an album but 8 songs that were thrown together with the hopes that the people-in-the-know who go see this movie in the theater will buy the songs and share the coolness with their oh-so-cool friends…or not.


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