Dum Dum Girls Tame Impala Band of Horses

I love music more than you love your children.  Oh except for the fact that I'm always looking for something new and it takes a lot to keep the old stuff around.  Just like your children!

Not-so-ridiculous record review rating scale:

1 day of beach vacation:  Really?  That's all you got?
2 days of beach vacation:  That's called a weekend.  Meh.
3 days of beach vacation:  Nice.  Almost enough to last a while.
4 days of beach vacation:  Quality time!  Worth the price.
5 days of beach vacation:  The best!  Classic!  Cool!  Conch!

Band of Horses "Mirage" 2.5 days of beach vacation.  Simple.  Rock.
The first song "Knock Knock" made me hopeful.  It's direct.  To the point.  Rock and roll with simple production.  There are other tunes on this new record that are also pretty cool.  However there is a lack of hooks.  The songs are all just kinda cool.  Nothing is "Knock Knock"-ing me out.  Highlights: "Knock Knock" and "Slow Cruel Hands of Time".

Dum Dum Girls "End of Daze" 3 days of beach vacation.  Awash in loveliness.
Shoe-gazey, poppy, 60s retro rock, plus a dash of industrial edge.  Dum Dum Girls are showing a nice mix of influences in this new ep.  Don't expect sleepy tunes like Beach House or straight up commercial indie like Best Coast.  Dum Dum Girls ride the reverb.  Highlights: "I Got Nothing" and "Lord Knows".

Tame Impala "Lonerism" 2 days of beach vacation.  Trippy but...

Psychedelic but not rocking.  Trippy but meandering.  Hooks but lost in the wash of effects.  Lyrically interesting but lost in the mix of jamming synthy sounds.  I didn't not like it but I'm not sure if I liked it.  Confusing?  Yes.  Highlights: "Feels Like We Only Go Backwards".


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